STAB2015 (Glasgow) - Proceedings

12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2015)

19-24 June 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Local Organising Committee: Professor Dracos Vassalos (Chair), Professor Chengi Kuo (Chair), Professor Sandy Day, Professor Osman Turan, Professor Panagiotis Kaklis, Dr Evangelos Boulougouris, Dr Cantekin Tuzcu, Dr Dimitris Konovessis, Dr Andrzej Jasionowski, Dr Luis Guarin, Carolyn McLellan, Pamela Leckenby, Lin Lin, Renyou Yang


Conference website:  ;


Download Proceedings of 12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles - STAB2015 - as a single pdf file


Session 1 - Keynote Adresses


Session 2 - Plenary workshop 1 - "Veterans of Stability"


Session 3 - Plenary workshop 2 - Stability Research & Development Committee (SRDC)


Session 5.1 - "Second Generation Intact Stability"


Session 5.2 - "Damage Stability"

Session 5.3 - "Dynamic Stability"

Session 6 - EMSA III Plenary Workshop


Session 7.1 - "Second Generation Intact Stability"


Session 7.2 - "Damage Stability"


Session 7.3 - "Dynamic Stability"


Session 8.1 - "Second Generation Intact Stability"


Session 8.2 - "Damage Stability"


Session 8.3 - "Dynamic Stability"


Session 9.1 - "Second Generation Intact Stability"


Session 9.2 - "Damage Stability"


Session 9.3 - "Extreme Behaviour"


Session 10.1 - "Second Generation Intact Stability"


Session 10.2 - "Naval Ship Stability"


Session 10.3 - "Extreme Behaviour"


Session 11.1 - "Risk-Based Stability"


Session 11.2 - "Naval Ship Stability"


Session 11.3 - "Extreme Behaviour"


Session 12.1 - "Damage Stability"


Session 12.2 - "Decision Support"


Session 12.3 - "Instability Other Than Roll Motion"


Session 13.1 - "Stability In Astern Seas"


Session 13.2 - "Liquefaction"


Session 13.3 - "Extreme Behaviour"


Session 14 - "40 Years of Stability"

ISSW2011 (Washington) - Proceedings

12th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW2011)

12-15 June 2011, Washington D.C., USA


Local Organising Committee

Dr. Vadim L Belenky (Chair), David Taylor Model Basin (NSWC/CD)
Mr. Terrence Applebee, David Taylor Model Basin (NSWC/CD)
Mr. Christopher Bassler, David Taylor Model Basin (NSWC/CD)
Ms. June Catterton, David Taylor Model Basin (NSWC/CD)
Ms. Lauren Hanyok, David Taylor Model Basin (NSWC/CD)
Ms. Jacqueline DeSpirito, Chair, SNAME Chesapeake Section  
Mr. William Peters, Treasurer, SNAME Chesapeake Section


Download Proceedings of 12th International Ship Stability Workshop - ISSW2011 - as a single zip file


Preliminary pages & preface, pp. i-iv

Table of Contents, pp. v-viii


Session 1 - "Early-Stage Design Criteria for Intact Stability" (Session Organizers: W.S. Peters and N. Umeda)


Session 2 - "Regulatory and Compliance Issues on Damage Stability" (Session Organizers: H. Bruhns and J. Person)


Session 3 - "Operational and Special Issues" (Session Organizers: J. O. de Kat and L. Peres Rojas)


Session 4 - "Experimental Techniques and Numerical Simulation in Ship Stability Assessment" (Session Organizers: F. van Walree and M. Dipper)


Session 5 - "Application of Stochastic Dynamics to Ship Stability" (Session Organizers: V. Belenky and A. Troesch)

Session 6 - "Parametric Roll" (Session Organizers: M. Neves and A. Francescutto)

Session 7 - "Stability of Damaged Ships – Numerical Simulation of Progressive Flooding and Capsize" (Session Organizers: A. Papanikaou and A. Peters)

Session 8 - "Basic Theory & Roll Damping – Intact and Damaged Ships" (Session Organizers: K. Spyrou and A. Reed)

Session 9 - "Integration of Stability Issues into Overall Risk Assessment" (Session Organizers: D. Vassalos and P. Alman)


Session 10 - "Design for Survivability after Damage" (Session Organizers: A. Jasionowski and T. Katayama)

STAB2003 (Madrid) - Proceedings

8th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vechicles (STAB2003)

15-19 September 2003, Madrid, Spain


National Committee

Prof. L. Pérez-Rojas

Prof. A. López-Piñero

Prof. M. Meizoso

Prof. F. Robledo

Prof. I. Diez-Ulzurrun

Prof. R. Zamora

Prof. L. Fernandez-Jambrina

Miss. Riansares


Download Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vechicles - STAB2003 - as a single ZIP file


"Historical note"


"Accident investigation":


"Water on deck":


"Extreme weather effects":


"Unconventional vessels":


"Design for safety":

"Damage stability":

"Large passenger vessels safety":

"Parametric rolling":


"Regulatory aspects":


"Environmental modelling":


"Human factors":


"Safety in operations":


"Nonlinear dynamics":


"Unconventional problems":


"Intact stability":


"Antirolling devices":


"Fishing vessels":


"Ship motions in waves":


 "Workshop on Intact stability":


"Workshop on Damaged stability":


"Workshop on Fishing vessels":


"Workshop on Risk based approaches":


Papers in the addendum:

ISSW2010 (Wageningen) - Proceedings

11th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW2010)

21-23 June 2010, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Local Organising Committee

Dr. F. van Walree, Ms. P. Roseboom and Ms. E.A. te Winkel


Download Proceedings of 11th International Ship Stability Workshop - ISSW2010 - as a single PDF file


Preliminary pages & Table of contents, pp. i-v


Session 1 - "Goal Based Stability Standards (Intact)" (Chair: A. Francescutto, Co-Chair: N. Umeda)


Session 2 - "Goal‐Based Stability Standards (Damage)" (Chair: H. Bruhns, Co-Chair: K. Spyrou)


Session 3 - "Special problems" (Chair: K. Spyrou, Co-Chair: J. Falzarano)


Session 4 - "Risk‐based analysis methods" (Chair: V. Belenky, Co-Chair: A.M. Reed)


Session 5 - "Naval Ship Stability" (Chair: J.O. de Kat, Co-Chair: P. Altman)

Session 6 - "Safety of Damaged Vessels" (Chair: D. Vassalos, Co-Chair: L. McCue)

Session 7 - "Developments in Intact and Damage Stability Modeling" (Chair: A. Peters, Co-Chair: P. Gualeni)

Session 8 - "Operational safety" (Chair: A. Papanikolaou, Co-Chair: A. Peters)

Session 9 - "Roll Damping" (Chair: M. Santos Neves, Co-Chair: L. Perez-Rojas)


Session 10 - "Flooding of damaged ships" (Chair: A. Degtyarev, Co-Chair: M. Pawlowski)


Session 11 - "Parametric roll" (Chair: F. van Walree, Co-Chair: T. Katayama)



ISSW2013 (Brest) - Proceedings

13th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW2013)

23-26 September 2013, Brest, Brittany, France


Local Organising Committee: L. Audrain, J-Y. Billard, M. Le Boulluec, P. Corrignan, P. Ferrand, C. François, F. Grinnaert, J-M. Laurens, J-F. Leguen, J-J. Maisoneuve, B. Molin, Y-M. Scolan


Workshop website:


Session 1 - "Stability of Offshore Floating Platforms" (Chairs: Jeffrey Falzarano, Marcelo Neves)


Session 2 - "Roll Damping & Roll Stabilization" (Chair: Luis Pérez Rojas)


Session 3 - "Risk Based Assessment of Ship Stability" (Chairs: Vadim Belenky, Gabriele Bulian)


Session 4 - "Fishing Vessels Stability and Safety" (Chairs: Marc Le Boulluec, Naoya Umeda)


Session 5 - "Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria" (Chairs: Philippe Corrignan, Alberto Francescutto)

Session 6 - "Naval Ship Stability" (Chairs: Jean-François Leguen, Frans van Walree)

Session 7 - "Special Problems of Intact Stability" (Chair: Apostolos Papanikolaou)

Session 8 - "Ship Stability & Design Implications" (Chairs: Luc Lemoine, Kostas Spyrou)

Session 9 - "Human Factor" (Chair: Jean-François Leguen)

STAB2009 (St. Petersburg) - Proceedings

10th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vechicles (STAB2009)

22-26 June 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia


National Committee

Prof. A. Degtyarev (Chairman)
Prof. A. Bogdanov
Prof. Yu. Nechaev
Prof. K. Rozhdestvensky
Prof. N. Rakhmanin
Prof. I. Boroday
Prof. V. Rukovchuk
Dr. V. Mareev
Dr. N. Gorbatova
Ms. L. Polakh
Mr.V. Galutin


Download Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vechicles - STAB2009 - as a single ZIP file




Offshore structures and Sea-Based Aviation:


Rules and criteria 1 – IMO New Generation Criteria:


Rules and criteria 2 – IMO development:


Accident investigation:


Damage stability:


Intact stability in following and quartering seas:


Intact stability (roll damping and deck in water):


Non-linear dynamics:


Safety assessment & Environmental Aspects:


Operational aspects:


Parametric rolling:


Computational Aspects of Stability Evaluation:


Workshop on benchmarking of numerical tools:


Probabilistic Methods in Dynamics of Ships:


Design for safety:


Design for Safety Integrated Toolbox:



Conference & Workshop Proceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB) and proceedings of the International Ship Stability Workshops (ISSW) represent a fundamental and unique source of information and knowledge for all those who are involved, or intend to be involved, in basic and applied research, regulation developments, or other activities deemed of contribution to the body of knowledge and understanding of the subject of ship stability and safety.


Recognising this, the STAB International Standing Committee together with the Stability R&D Committee have considered appropriate to disseminate this information in a free and open way to the community worldwide.


Proceedings of STAB can be downloaded from the following links:

Proceedings of ISSW can be downloaded from the following links:


A file containing the list of STAB & ISSW papers can be downloaded by clicking here (Last update: January 2022).


The following members of the SRDC (Stability R&D Committee) are acknowledged for their effort in collecting the proceedings uploaded on this page: Gabriele Bulian (University of Trieste - UNITS); Nicolas Carette (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands - MARIN); Eleftheria Eliopoulou (National Technical University of Athens - NTUA); Toru Katayama (Osaka Prefecture University); Dimitris Konovessis (University of Strathclyde - SSRC); Jean-François Leguen (DGA Hydrodynamics); Akihiko Matsuda (National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering - NRIFE);  Anders Rosén (Royal Institute of Technology - KTH); Daisuke Terada (National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering - NRIFE).

Acknowledgements are also given to Khaled Mohamed (University of Strathclyde - SSRC) for the help in preparing the original website.