Last year we had a succesfull ISSW2013 in Brest (Brittany, France), but this year is time to move to Asia: the 14th International Ship Stability Workshop will be held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on 29 September-01 October 2014.
Following the great success of previous STAB Conferences, the famous topic of Stability moves to one of the very first places to tackle the problem of ship stability: the 11th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2012) will take place in Greece.
September 23-28, 2012
Hotel Royal Olympic
28-34 Athanasiou Diakou Str. 117 43, Athens, GREECE
STAB2012 will be hosted by the National Technical University of Athens, and more information can be obtained by clicking here.