Ship reference: CEHIPAR2792 (UNITS)


Ship information

Ship intended to be used for the purpose of GEOSIM experiments.

Main characteristics:

Length: 205.7m

Draught: 6.6m

Breadth (at 6.6m): 29.9m

Volume: 24094m3 (from 3D model)

Data provided by

University of Trieste through European Community's Sixth Framework Programme through the grant to the budget of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB III, Contract no. 022441 (RII3)

Hull geometry data

·   3D hull form (formats: 3DM, IGS)

·   Offset data

·   CAD data of bilge keels


Loading condition(s)

One draught, two GM with and without bilge keels

Experimental data

·     Roll decay tests

·     Regular beam waves tests

All experiments carried out with three different model scales: 1:33, 1:50 and 1:65

Enclosed documentation

1.         Bulian, G., Francescutto, A., Fucile, F., "Determination of Relevant Parameters for the Alternative Assessment of Intact Stability Weather Criterion On Experimental Basis", EU-funded Project HYD-III-CEH-5 (Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB III, Contract no. 022441 (RII3)), Department DINMA, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 22 November 2009

2.         Bulian, G., Francescutto, A., Fucile, F., "An Experimental Investigation in the Framework of the Alternative Assessment for the IMO Weather Criterion", Proceeding of the Hydralab III Joint Transnational Access User Meeting, Hannover, February 2010, Edited by Joachim Grüne & Mark Klein Breteler, Published by Forschungszentrum Küste (FZK) of University Hannover & Technical University Braunshweig, Hannover, February 2010, pp. 251-254 (ISBN-978-3-00-030141-4)

Additional information

Raw experimental data are available on request.

Contact(s) for additional information/data

For any request of information please contact:


Prof. Alberto Francescutto:

·         e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

·         Phone: +39-040-558-3425


Dr. Gabriele Bulian:

·         e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

·         Phone: +39-040-558-3444


Common address:

Dept. of Engineering and Architecture

University of Trieste

Building C5

Via A. Valerio, 10

34127 Trieste



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Ship reference: KTHRoRo


Ship information


Main characteristics:

Length: 135m

Draught: 5.5 m

Breadth (at 5.5m): 24.25m

Displacement:11300 tonnes

Data provided by

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Funded by the National Program for Ship Research in Sweden. Additional support from SSPA Maritime Consulting, Swedish Ship Owners Association and Swedish Defence Materiel Administration.

Hull geometry data

Offset data

Loading condition(s)

One draught, one GM

Experimental data

·     Model scale 1:35.

·     Roll decay tests.

·     Tests in regular waves, 7 relative headings, several speeds.

·     Tests in irregular waves, 7 relative headings, several speeds.

·     Tests in crossing waves, 2 relative headings.

·     Wave measurements and wave equation for re-construction of wave field around ship for time-domain comparison between experiments and simulations.

Enclosed documentation

1.       Garme K., Model Seakeeping Experiments Presented in the Time-Domain to Facilitate Validation of Computational Tools, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-FKT, Report 9727, 1997.

2.       Garme K., Hua J., A Method to Analyse Seakeeping Model Measurements in Time-Domain, Proceedings of the Ninth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Brest, France, May 30-June 4, 1999.

Additional information


Contact(s) for additional information/data

For any request of information please contact:


Karl Garme

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +46-703971717


Anders Rosén

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +46-702580210


Common address:

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Centre for Naval Architecture

Teknikringen 8

SE-10044 Stockholm



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