
Aalto University & NAPA: Flooding model test for ITTC benchmark study (ITTC-Box)



Ship reference: ITTC-Box (Aalto University & NAPA)


Ship information

Box-shaped barge (nominal scale 1:10)

Model dimensions:
- Length: 4.0 m
- Breadth: 0.80 m
- Draft (in tests) 0.50 m

Used for the ITTC benchmark study in 2007


Data provided by:

Napa Ltd & Aalto University, Finland
Funded by: Napa Ltd and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation)


Definition data:

- Hull form and compartments in: Rhino 3dm format (v.4 and v.5), iges-format

- NAPA database with definitions of hull and internal compartments

- Detailed document with all dimensions and discharge coefficients for the openings


Experimental data:

4 different flooding scenarios, measurement data includes:

- Roll, pitch and heave motions

- Water levels in all flooded compartments

- Air pressures in the double bottom compartments


Enclosed documentation:

Ruponen, P., Sundell, T., Larmela, M. 2007. Validation of a simulation method for progressive flooding, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 45, pp. 305-321.

Ruponen, P. 2006. Model tests for the progressive flooding of a box-shaped barge, Report M-292, Helsinki University of Technology, Ship Laboratory.

Data sheet for the original ITTC benchmark study:
- instructions for interpreting the provided measurement data
- detailed information on the geometry of the barge and the flooded compartments


Contact(s) for additional information

Pekka Ruponen
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +358-50-5766078


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